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For us at IMI, transparency is key. We strive for transparency on how we do business and interact with our stakeholders. This section provides content and links to key corporate information, our financial position, activities and strategies, providing our investors with an accurate account of our company’s affairs to enable them to make informed decisions.

Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc. has established an Electronic Voting in Absentia system through which its stockholders, who are unable to go to the venue or to send a proxy to attend the meeting on their behalf, have the additional option of casting their votes in absentia, subject to validation procedures. The requirements and procedures for this mode were disseminated to all the stockholders through the Information Statement.


We engage in direct communication with the investing public through our investor relations department, which reports to the Chief Finance Officer (CFO). Information requirements are handled and satisfied by the department and by the relevant senior management.



Integrated Micro-Electronics, Inc. (PSE: IMI) was listed by way of introduction in the Philippine Stock Exchange on January 21, 2010. It has completed its follow-on offering and listing of 215,000,000 common shares on December 5, 2014.


IMI 2023 Annual Report

IMI ensures that the Annual Reports provide information on the company’s fiscal year performance as well as highlight the company’s activities and achievements in the previous year.

View all Annual Reports

We are able to tap different markets and advanced systems globally while remaining competitive on a global basis.

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