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May 31, 2019

Common Accidents and Injuries in the Manufacturing Industry

May 31,2019,Philippines—Workplace accidents do not choose a particular occupation.They occur in many ways and at different times. However, global manufacturing workers who are often working in hazardous conditions and are handling dangerous equipment are at a higher risk of suffering from them than employees in other industries.

From welders to manufacturing engineering supervisors, everyone in the manufacturing industry is putting his life in the line every day when he go to work. Of course, many accidents can be prevented but there are some that are inevitable. It also does not help that there are employers who cut costs or fail to provide proper training to their employees which just pushes workers closer to work injuries and accident risks.

With awareness as the first step to prevention, here are what workers need to know about the common accidents in the global manufacturing industry, including the injuries that they may cause and how to prevent them.

Falling objects

Workplace accidents caused by falling objects may seem like a rare event. However, it is actually a top concern in all types of industries, especially in global manufacturing—causing 237 fatal accidents in 2017 alone according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ National Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries report that year.

A wrench, hammer, or even just a walkie-talkie could be accidentally dropped from above and struck an unaware employee either by direct impact or by being deflected by another object. Depending on many factors, falling objects can cause injuries from simple bruises and minor cuts to threatening head and brain injuries.

There is not much the victim can do to avoid a falling object from hitting them, but the employers can prevent these from happening by equipping their employees with proper safety equipment and uniform, especially hard hats, ensuring regular security checks around the facility, and putting sturdy safety nets in high-risk areas.

Slips and falls

Slip and fall accidents are common anywhere but they are usually not threatening. In the manufacturing industry, however, they can be fatal. Falling from ladders or scaffoldings, or slipping due to slippery surfaces or clutter-filled areas can easily result in back injuries, fractures, broken bones, and even head injuries.

Employees can avoid slipping by simply being attentive while walking, but it is still the employer’s duty to ensure all walkways are well-guarded. Similarly, employers should equip their employees with harnesses, and regularly check if their ladders and scaffoldings are stable and secure.

Equipment and machinery accidents

Filled with large objects and heavy machinery, one of the most common and most devastating accidents that can happen in the manufacturing industry is being caught in or compressed by equipment or machinery. Accidents of this kind often lead to a crushed limb, broken bones, amputation, burns, a traumatic head or brain injury, a spinal cord injury, or even death.

Usually caused by defective machinery or equipment, accidents of this kind are usually not the fault of the employee. However, it is also possible that an employee’s lack of knowledge of proper equipment handling and machinery operation cause such accidents.

It is both the responsibility of employers and employees to ensure the condition of equipment and machinery used in global manufacturing. Furthermore, it should be the employer’s utmost priority to provide their employees with proper equipment handling and machinery operation to help employees avoid causing trouble and injuring themselves and other employees.

Worker fatigue, repetitive motion, overexertion, long exposure to hazardous chemicals, excessive noise, and many other conditions can also cause workplace accidents in the manufacturing industry. That being said, it would be best for global manufacturing companies to work on providing a better working environment to their employees, and for workers in all manufacturing careers to stay alert while working at all times.

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